Agreement between Viet Nam and the United States on Science and Technology Cooperation (IP provisions)


Agreement between Viet Nam and the United States on Science and Technology Cooperation was signed on June 24, 2005. This Agreement consists of 12 articles and 2 Annex (A and B). Issues on Intellectual Property Rights (IP) are defined in Articles V.2 and particularised in Annex A. The goal of regulations on IP is to protect legitimate activities regarding IP and facilitate for the development of that field. Intellectual property under the Agreement shall be governed by Annex A which constitutes an integral part of the Agreement. Annex A “Intellectual property” includes 4 sections: scope, allocation of rights, settlement of disputes, business – confidential information. All the parties shall ensure adequate and effective protection of intellectual property created or furnished under cooperative activities of this Agreement.

To download this Agreement, please click here.