Review of Trademark and Copyright Agreement


S&B Law understands that Client is now in need of our assistance in

(i) Reviewing the Trademark and Copyright Agreement (“Agreement”) to protect the highest possible rights and interests of Client while ensuring the compliance of the same with prevailing laws of Vietnam and

(ii) Reviewing the translation of the Agreement from English into Vietnamese.

Our legal services proposal on the above-mentioned works as follows:

I.       Scope of works to be done by S&B Law

S&B Law shall carry out the following works:

1.1     Reviewing and providing Client with a written legal advice/comments on the Agreement to protect the highest possible rights and interests of Client while ensuring the compliance of the same with prevailing laws of Vietnam and make necessary amendments of the Agreement for this purpose.

1.2     Reviewing and making amendments (if necessary) to the current Vietnamese version of the Agreement so as to ensure that it has been translated correctly from English into Vietnamese. Our works mentioned in this Item include the translation of our amendments of the Agreement which were made in Item 1.1 above.

II.      Timing

2.1     For the works mentioned in Item 1.1 above:

(a)     S&B Law shall provide Client with a written legal advice/comments on the Agreement and the revised Agreement in English within 05 (five) working days from the date of Client’s acceptance of this proposal letter.

(b)     Client shall, within 03 (three) working days from its receipt of written legal advice/comments and the revised Agreement in English, inform S&B Law of its written comments (if any) on the same. If Client has no comment in writing on the same within the period as stated in this Item, the works mentioned in Item 1.1 above shall be considered being completed.

(c)      Within 02 (two) working days from the receipt of Client’s comments as stated in Item 2.2 (b) above (if any), S&B Law shall make comment (if any) and amend accordingly and provide Client with the final Agreement in English. The works mentioned in Item 1.1 above since then shall be considered as being completed.

2.2     For the works mentioned in Item 1.2 above:

S&B Law shall review and provide Client with the Vietnamese translation of the final Agreement (including the translation of our amendments of and additions to the Agreement made in Item 1.1) within 03 (three) working days from the date of our completion of the works mentioned in Item 1.1.