Types of trademark

Law concept: Trademark on computer keyboard

There are 4 types of trade marks: collective trade mark, Certification trade mark, Integrated trade marks, Well known trade mark.

Collective trade mark means a mark used to distinguish goods or services of members of an organization which is the owner of such mark from marks of non-members of such organization.

Certification trade mark means a mark which is authorized by its owner to be used by another organization or individual on the latter’s goods or services in order to certify the origin, raw materials, materials, mode of manufacture of goods or manner of provision of services, and the quality, accuracy, safety or other characteristic of goods or services bearing such mark.

Integrated trade marks means identical or similar marks registered by the same entity and intended for use on products or services which are of the same, similar or interrelated type.

Well known trade mark means a mark widely known by consumers throughout the territory of Vietnam. A trade mark is called a well known trade mark when it has the following criterias: The number of relevant consumers, The territorial area, Turnover, Duration of continuous use, Wide reputation, Number of countries protecting, Number of countries recognizing, Assignment price, licensing price, or investment capital contribution