Agreement between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Swiss Federal Council on the Protection of Intellectual Property and on Co-operation in the Field of Intellectual Property


Agreement between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Swiss Federal Council on the Protection of Intellectual Property and on Co-operation in the Field of Intellectual Property was adopted on 6 and 7 July 1993. The Agreement comprises 9 articles and 2 Annex providing for an effective and adequate protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IP), reducing impediments to trade. Ensuring the measures and procedures to enforce IP is based on concrete provisions on this Agreement. That is two basic regulations “MFN – Most Favorite Nation” and “NT – National treatment” and others regulation such as: Level of Protection (Article 3),  Dispute Prevention and Settlement (Article 6), Co-operation ( Article 7)…

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Agreement between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Swiss Federal Council on the Protection of Intellectual Property and on Co-operation in the Field of Intellectual Property