Required documents of Geographical Indication applications


According to the Article 106 in Vietnam Intellectual Property Law:

1. Documents, samples and information identifying a geographical indication registered for protection in a geographical indication registration application include:

a/ The name or sign being the geographical indication;

b/ The product bearing the geographical indication;

c/ The description of peculiar characteristics and quality, or reputation of the product bearing the geographical indication and particular elements  of natural conditions decisive to the peculiar characteristics and quality, or reputation of the product (hereinafter referred to as the description of peculiar characteristics);

d/ The map of the geographical area bearing the geographical indication;

e/ Documents evidencing that the geographical indication is under protection in the country of origin in case of a foreign geographical origin;

2. The description of peculiar characteristics must have the following principal contents:

a/ Description of the relevant product, including raw materials, and physical, chemical, microbiological and perceptible properties of the product;

b/ Method of identification of the geographical area bearing the geographical indication;

c/ Evidence proving that the product originates from such geographical area, with the respective meaning provided for in Article 79 of Intellectual Property Law;

d/ Description of local and stable methods of production and processing;

e/ Information on relationship between the peculiar  characteristics and quality, or reputation of the product and the geographical conditions as provided for in  Article 79 of this Law;

f/ Information on the mechanism of self-control  of the peculiar characteristics or quality of the product.