Quotation for Trademark Registration in LAOS


Question: Kindly provide us your charges for conducting trademark search & filing through registration and the relevant documents to proceed the application in LAOS.


Thanks for your email regarding the subject matter. Regarding your enquiries concerning the subject matter, we would like to advise you on procedure and our updated fee schedule in relation to the trademark registration proceeding in Laos as follows:

  1. Trademark information
Trademark: Please advise
Class: Please advise
  1. Fee schedule

In Laos, multi-classes application is acceptable. The basic fees are calculated based on the number of class of goods/services (G/S) in each application as well as the number of products designated in each class in the application.

Below is the breakdown of charges for registering a trademark for 01 trademark in 01 class in Laos in a smooth case, for your consideration:

2.1. Trademark searches (Optional)

Works Official Fees Attorney Fees
Fee for conducting trademark search for 01 trademark in 01 class 100.00 80.00
Bank charge 20.00
Subtotal 200.00
5% VAT 10.00
TOTAL 210.00
Two hundred and ten US dollar

Note: The above-quoted fees include Official Fees and Attorney Fees, 5% VAT, bank charge and communication cost

2.2. Trademark registration in Laos

Description Official Fees (USD) Attorney’s fees (USD)
Fee for filing an application for 01 trademark in 01 class 240.00 120.00
Bank charge 20.00
Commutation cost 40.00
Subtotal 420.00
5% VAT 21.00

Four hundred and forty one US dollars


Note: The above-quoted fees include Official Fees and Attorney Fees, 5% VAT, bank charge and communication cost; do not include additional fees in case of refusal in examination or being opposed by the third party (e.g: due to similarity/to identity with other trademarks which were already registered…). In case of any office action or any possible opposition which may occur during the application proceedings, an additional charge may be incurred, upon your approval.

  1. Timeline
Country Time of trademark search

(working days)

 Time of registration
Laos 15 – 20 10 – 12 months
  1. Required documents and information 

      Name and address of the Applicant;

      List of Goods/Services;

      Specimen of the applied mark (in e-copy only);

      An original Power of Attorney which is notarized (SBLAW’s form)