Requirements on trademark registration applications


1. Documents, samples, information identifying a mark registered for protection in a trade mark registration application include:

– A sample of the mark and a list of goods or services bearing the trade mark;

– Regulation on use of collective marks or regulation on use of certification trade mark.

2. The sample of the mark must be described in order to clarify elements of the trade mark and the comprehensive meaning of the trade mark, if any; where the mark consists of words or phrases of hieroglyphic languages, such words or phrases must be transcribed; where the trade mark consists of words or phrases in foreign languages, such words or phrases must be translated into Vietnamese.

3. Goods or services listed in a mark registration application must be classified into appropriate groups in accordance with the Classification List under the Nice Agreement on International Classification of Goods and Services for the purpose of mark registration, and published by the state management agency in charge of industrial property rights.

4. The regulation on use of collective marks consists of the following principal contents:

– Name, address, grounds of establishment and operations of the collective organization being the owner of the trade mark;

– Criteria for becoming a member of the collective organization;

– List of organizations and individuals permitted to use the trade mark;

–  Conditions for use of the trade mark;

– Measures for handling acts violating the regulation on use of trade mark.

5. The regulation on use of certification trade mark consists of the following principal contents:

– The organization or individual being the trade mark owner;

– Conditions for using the trade mark;

– Characteristics of goods or services certified by the trade mark;

– Methods of evaluating characteristics of goods or services and methods of controlling the use of the

trade mark;

e/ Expenses to be paid by the mark user for the certification and protection of the mark, if any