Trademark registration and filling service in Vietnam.

Trademarks in Laos SPVN INVEST IP
SBLAW provides clients with legal services relating registration trademarks and filling service in Vietnam as follows:

– To research, assess the capability of registration in Vietnam and other countries such as nations of Asean, Europe United, The United states, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, China, Russia;

– To consult procedure and represent clients in submitting an application of registration trademarks in Vietnam and in foreign countries;

– To consult in choosing and using the trademarks and names of trade;

– To submit and conduct procedure to register the trademarks

– To maintain and extend the validity of trademarks in Vietnam and in foreign countries;

– To assess the infringed capability and co-ordinate with agencies in protecting rights over the trademarks;

– To assess the validity of  the certificate of registration trademarks issued in Vietnam and foreign countries

– To designate lawyers taking part in negotiating, drafting, assessing and registering the contracts which relate to used rights, owned rights and commercial franchising marks protected in Vietnam and in foreign countries;

– To design, value the marks and consult in creating identification of marks for the internal as well as external enterprises.