Selected recent S&B Law Credential in the field of trademark enforcement


1.The Client and a Vietnamese Company entered a license agreement for importing and distributing the products bearing the protected trademark of the Client in Vietnam.

However, the Vietnamese Company suddenly stopped to use the Client’s products and traded their own products bearing the sign that is confusingly similar to the Client’s Trademark.

After sending a Cease and Desist letter to Vietnamese Company, they did not comply with our request. S&B Law bring this case to the Inspector of Department of Science and Technology of Ho chi minh City.

The inspector performed an inspection at Vietnamese Company and enforce this company to stop the infringement action.

2.A Vietnamese Company imported and distributed wood floors bearing the sign that is similar to our Client.

After receiving the information from the Client. S&B Law took an investigation for locating the address of the infringer as well as the warehouse of this company. Based on the collected evidences, S&B Law file a request to Inspector of Ministry of Science and Technology.

The inspector performed an inspection at this company and sealed the goods (about 200.000.000 VND). Then, the owner of this company apologized to the Client and committed that they will not infringe upon the Client’s trademark in future. Thus, the Client decided to withdraw the request at Inspector.