Requirements on invention registration applications


1. Documents identifying an invention registered for protection in an invention registration application shall include a description of the invention and an abstract of the invention. The invention description consists of the description section and the scope of protection of the invention.

2. The description of invention must satisfy the following conditions:

a/ Fully and clearly disclosing the nature of the invention to the extent that such invention may be realized by a person with average knowledge in the art;

b/ Briefly explaining the accompanied drawings, if it  is required to further clarify the nature of the invention;

c/ Clarifying the novelty, inventive step and susceptibility of industrial application of the invention.

3. The scope of protection of inventions shall be expressed in the form of a combination of technical specifications which are necessary and sufficient to identify the scope of the rights to such inventions, and compatible with the description of inventions and drawings.

4. Abstracts of inventions must disclose principal features of nature of such inventions.