Legal service on protecting of industrial design in Vietnam


SBLAW will provide the legal service on protecting of industrial design in Vietnam as follows:

– Providing legal services relating to protection of industrial design in Vietnam:

– Giving legal opinion on the registrability of industrial design in Vietnam.

– Giving legal opinion on the use of industrial design in Vietnam;

– Conducting industrial searches on the registrability  and use of industrial design;

– Filing applications for the registration of industrial designs

– Advising and proceeding with the recordal of assignment of pending industrial design applications;

– Advising and and proceeding with the recordal of changes related to industrial design applications, such as  the name or address of the applicants;

– Advising and proceeding with the recordal of changes related to the granted Certificates of industrial design registration based on the ownership assignment and merger; or recordal of change of name and address of the owner of the Protection Certificate.

– Advising and representing clients to renew the validity of  industrial design.