Adminitrative penalty of infrigement of intellectual property right


-The following acts of infringing upon industrial property rights shall be administratively sanctioned:

*  Committing an act of infringing upon intellectual property rights which causes damage to consumers or society;

* Failing to terminate an act of infringing upon  intellectual property rights though the intellectual property right holder has issued a written notice requesting the termination of such act;

* Producing, importing, transporting or trading in intellectual property counterfeit goods or assigning others to do so;

* Producing, importing, transporting or trading in articles bearing a mark or a geographical indication that is identical or confusingly similar to a protected mark or geographical indication or assigning others to do so.

– The Government shall specify acts of infringing upon intellectual property rights which shall be administratively sanctioned, sanctioning forms and levels, and procedures for sanctioning such acts.

– Organizations and individuals that commit acts of unfair competition in intellectual property shall be sanctioned for administrative violations according to the provisions of competition law.