Service of Trademark Registration

Fee and required documents for trademark application in Vietnam.

Client: Our client is seeking assistance in the registration of trademarks in Vietnam. They would like to register 2 trademark registration for 2 items: logo and slogan, in the following classes of goods / services: 16, 35, 38 and 42.

Can you let us have the general information on your services, i.e. the documents required, estimated timeline and fee quote for such trademark registration.

Lawyer: Thank you very much for your interest in our intellectual property services.

As one of the leadingVietnamese law firms, we are capable of assisting you with handling all IP matters in Vietnam in an efficient and cost-competitive manner. For your further information, we cordially invite you to visit our official website at

Regarding your enquiries concerning the subject matter, we would like to advise you our fee schedule in relation to the trademark registration as follows:


In Vietnam, multi-class application is applicable. The basic fees are calculated based on the number of class of goods/services (G/S) in each application as well as the number of products designated in each class in the application.


In Vietnam, the duration for a trademark application from mature to proceed to registration is round 14-18 months from the filing date, involving these stages (1) examination as to formality and publication on the Gazette (3 months); (2) examination as to substance (9-12 months) and (3) issuance of registration certificate for the registered mark (3-4 months).

Kindly note that the term for registration process normally takes longer to several months in practice due to the workload of the NOIP and the slow examination process by the NOIP’s examiner.


– Name and address of the the Applicant

– List of Goods/Services;

– Specimen of the applied mark (in soft copy);

– An original Power of Attorney which is signed and sealed by the Applicant.

We trust the above is of your assistance. Should you have any inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you very soon.