Home Copyright in Vietnam

Copyright in Vietnam

Using published works where permission is not required or but the payment of royalties and/or remunerations is required

Broadcasting organizations which use published works in making their broadcasts, which are sponsored, advertised or charged in whatever form, shall not have to obtain permission but have to pay royalties or remunerations to copyright holders according to the Government’s regulations[...]
Register a new trademark in Vietnam

Subject matter outside the category of copyright protection

Subject matter outside the category of copyright protection[...]

Conducts constituted infringement of related right

- Appropriating the rights of a performer, producer of audio and visual fixation, or of a broadcasting organization

Term to protect copyright in Vietnam

Copyright in works regulated in this Law shall comprise moral rights and economic rights.

Defination and grounds for the generation of related rights

Copyright related rights (hereinafter referred to as related rights) means rights of an organization or individual to performances, audio and visual fixation, and broadcasts and satellite signals carrying coded programmes[...]

Acts of infringing upon copyright

- Appropriating copyright in a literary, artistic or scientific work.