Patent Examination Procedure under Vietnam IP Law


Patent examination procedure is regulated as follows:

Applicants should be aware of the examination process a patent going through the National Office of Intellectual Property of Viet Nam (NOIP). This process is begun with the filing of a patent application with NOIP and completed by granting a patent

Patent examination procedure consists of following steps:


  1. Filling the patent application.
  2. Formality examination
  3. Request for correction and amendment
  4. Refuse to accept the valid application
  5. Publication of the Patent Application
  6. Request for the Substantive Examination
  7. The Substantive Examination
  8. The Substantive Examination
  9. Notification of the Substantive Examination Results
  10.  The Decision of Refusal
  11. Request to pay fee
  12. Entry into the National Register of Industrial Property and publication of the patent