Preventive measures to secure the administrative sanctioning


1. In the following cases, organizations and individuals shall have the right to request competent agencies to apply preventive measures to secure the administrative sanctioning:

a/ Acts of infringing upon intellectual property rights are likely to cause serious damage to consumers or society;

b/ Infringement material evidence is likely to be dispersed or infringing individuals or organizations show signs of shirking their liabilities;

c/ To secure the enforcement of decisions on sanctioning of administrative violations.

2. Preventive measures to secure the administrative sanctioning applied according to administrative procedures to acts of infringing upon intellectual property rights include:

a/ Temporary custody of persons;

b/ Temporary custody of infringing goods, material evidence and means;

c/ Body search;

d/ Search of means of transport and objects; search of places where infringing goods, material evidence and means are hidden;

e/ Other administrative preventive measures according to the provisions of law on handling of administrative violations.