Register your Patent In Cambodia


If you would like to register your patent in Cambodia, SBLAW would like to give you some information about the legal procedure of filling patent in Cambodia as follows: 

1. Criteria for protection:

Under the IP Cambodia law, an invention/patent must be met the following criteria:
–    Novelty
–    Inventive step
–    Industrial applicability

2. Required Information

In order to file patent in Cambodia, you have to provide us the following required information:

a.  Applicant: Name and address.

b.  Inventor(s): Name, address and nationality.

c.  Specification of invention, utility solution

d.  Claims and drawings.

e.  Assignment document (if any).

f.   Certified copy of priority document (if any)

g.  Search results from the Patent Office (recommended).

3. Required documents

– Power of Attorney (under sample of SBLAW)

4. Validation of patent/invention in Cambodia

– Patent: 20 years from filling date

-Utility Model or Design Application: 15 years from the filling date

5. International Member

Cambodia is member of following international treaties:

– Paris Convention: Yes

– PCT: Yes

6. Legal Procedure

a.  Patent Filing

b.  Preliminary Exam

c.  Patent Publication: 18 months from the priority date

d.  Formal Examination Request: Before 36 months from the filing date. Must be requested after 60 days from the patent publication date.

e.  90 days to respond office action from the formal examination.