Home Trademark in vietnam

Trademark in vietnam

Registering Vietnam trademark

    The official fee for registering Vietnam trademark It is different from the other countries as China, Thailand, in Vietnam, multi-class application is applicable. The basic fees are calculated based on the number of class of goods/services (G/S) in each application as well as the number of products designated in each...

Cancellation of a Registered Trademark in Vietnam

SBLAW would like to advise the cancellation of registered trademark in Vietnam as follows

Power of attorney for registering trademark in Vietnam

SBLaw provides the following form of Power of attorney for your kind consideration

Vietnam Trademark Registration

SBLAW would like to advise you procedure and our fee schedule in relation to the trademark registration registration in Vietnam as follows:

Notes for Vietnam trademark registration

Trademark (TM) infringement in Vietnam is mushrooming in both intensity and scope.

Trademark protection procedure in Vietnam

SBLAW would like to provide some information about trademark registration procedure in Vietnam as follows

Notes for Vietnam trademark registration

Trademark (TM) infringement in Vietnam is mushrooming in both intensity and scope[...]

Trademark Registration Procedure in Vietnam

SBLAW would like to provide some information about trademark registration procedure in Vietnam as follows:

Issuing and publication the Trademark Registration Certificate in Vietnam

If the trademark is granted, the NOIP shall request the applicant to pay the fee for the grant of a trademark, the fee for notification of the trademark grant decision, the registration fee and the fee for maintenance of the first year’s validity of the trademark[...]

Notification of refusal trademark registration in Vietnam

If the applicant to whom the National Office Intellectual Property (NOIP) has sent a notice on its intended refusal of the application fails to correct errors or unsatisfactorily corrects errors or makes no opposition or makes unreasonable opposition to the intended rejection within the set time limit,[...]

Notification of substantive examination results

On the date of expiration of the time limit for substantive examination of an application at the latest, the NOIP shall send to the applicant one of the following notices[...]

Refuse to accept the valid application in Vietnam

The refusal accept the valid application of trademark registration is realized as follows[...]

Request for correction and amendment of Vietnam trademark registration

Before the expiration of the time limit above, the NOIP shall complete the formality examination of applications and send notices on examination results to applicants

Formality examination of Vietnam’s trademark registration

An application for a trademark registration filed with the NOIP shall be subject to formality examination for evaluating its validity[...]

The first to file principle of trademark registration in Vietnam

Viet Nam has adopted the first to file system, i.e. where two or more applications are filed by many different parties for registration of the same mark[...]