Home Trademark in vietnam

Trademark in vietnam

Enquiry regarding trademark registration in Vietnam

Question: Our company is desirous of securing trademark registration in Vietnam. We request you to provide us with the following details to proceed further. 1)      Your comprehensive fee schedule (Statutory fees/Government fees and Professional Fees) including fee for Trademark availability search. 2)      Approximate time to secure registration. 3)      Documents required to file...

Adopting the Vietnamese Version of the Nice Classification of Goods and Service 11-2018

From January 01, 2018, The Vietnamese version of the Nice Classification 11th Edition - version 2018 (NCL 11-2018), translated by the National Office of Intellectual Property (NOIP) from the English version published by WIPO, will be applied to the classification of goods and services for trademark registrations. Applicants who do...
Trademark Search in Vietnam

Trademark Search in Vietnam

A trademark search prior to filing a trademark application is not compulsory, however it is highly recommended by us to save time and costs since the duration for trademark registration in Vietnam is rather long, in around one year. [...]

Procedure and timeline for registering trademark in Vietnam

Procedure and timeline for registering trademark in Vietnam is as follows: 1.Procedure and Timeline The duration of a trademark search is around 10-15 working days. The duration of trademark application is around 14-18 months - from the filing date to the actual receipt of the registration. The process involves these stages: (1) formality examination and publication in the Gazette (3...
trademark in vietnam

Trademarks registration information

Question: We are a USA company specialized in wine exportation. We would like to register a Trademark in Vietnam in order to extend our company to this market. We plan to register a logo, relating to the selling of bottles of wine. We would like to know approximately the detailed...

Procedure of the Trademark examination

In order to reach the trademark registration certificate, the applicants have to fulfill the whole examination procedure consists of following steps[...]

Refuse to accept the valid application in Vietnam

The refusal accept the valid application of trademark registration is realized as follows[...]

Quotation for Trademark Registration in Cambodia

Question: We need to register our trademark in Cambodia. Could you please mail me the fee schedule of Trademark? Answer: Regarding your enquiries concerning the subject matter, we would like to advise you on procedure and our updated fee schedule in relation to the trademark registration proceeding in Cambodia as follows: ...

Principle of priority

An applicant for registration of a trade mark may claim priority on the basis of the first application for registration of protection of the same subject matter if the following conditions are fully satisfied[...]
trademark in vietnam

Vietnam– Recordal of Trademark License Agreement

SBLAW would like to advise you on procedure for recordal of trademark license agreement and the related matters as follows:

New trademark application for foreign company in Vietnam

If foreign company would like to file new trademark application in Vietnam, S&B Law would like to advise you procedure and our fee schedule in relation to the trademark registration proceeding in Vietnam as follows[...]

What is the purpose of registering the company name?

Questions: What is the purpose of registering the company name? Please advise how long it takes to receive trademark registration?
trademark Registration

Amendment of Certificate of trademark Registration and providing the evidence proofing the use of your trademark in Vietnam.

Question: We are foreign company and registered our trademark in Vietnam, please provide us the legal procedure on amendment of Certificate of trademark Registration and providing the evidence proofing the use of your trademark in Vietnam? Answen: Following the discussion between you and our lawyer regarding to the amendment of...

Inquiry about trademarks recordal of name or address in Cambodia

Question: Our company would like to recordal a change of address/name with some trademarks in Cambodia. Please offer us your favorable fees, the needing documents and the needing time. Answer: Concerning your enquiries, we would like to advise you on the procedure and our fee schedule in relation to the...
Vietnam Trademark

Vietnam Trademark

1.The official fee for registering Vietnam trademark It is different from the other countries as China, Thailand, in Vietnam, multi-class application is applicable[...]