The first to file principle of trademark registration in Vietnam
Viet Nam has adopted the first to file system, i.e. where two or more applications are filed by many different parties for registration of the same mark[...]
Filing the application of trademark in Vietnam
In order to obtain the trademark registration in Viet Nam, you must file the application for granting a Trademark. The application for a trademark registration must be filed directly or by mail, to the National Office of Intellectual Property of Viet Nam (NOIP) or its brand offices in Ho Chi Minh City or Da Nang.
Procedure of the Trademark examination
In order to reach the trademark registration certificate, the applicants have to fulfill the whole examination procedure consists of following steps[...]
Documents of trademark applciations in Vietnam
Documents of trademark applications in Vietnam includes[...]
Guidance for filling trademark in Vietnam
If client would like to file a trademark in Vietnam, S&B Law would like to provide our guidance as follows[...]
Acts of infringing upon the rights to trademark
The following acts if being performed without the permission of mark owners, shall be regarded as infringements of the rights to marks:
Requirements on trademark registration applications
1. Documents, samples, information identifying a mark registered for protection in a trade mark registration application include:
Trademark international applications
“Madrid applications” are referred to the applications for international registration of marks filed under the Madrid Agreement or the Madrid Protocol, including[...]
Registration applications on trademark in Vietnam
1. Documents, samples, information identifying a mark registered for protection in a mark registration application include:
1. A protection of trade mark shall be entirely invalidated in the following cases:
a/ The registration applicant has neither had nor been assigned the right to register an invention,
industrial design, layout-design or mark;
b/ The subject matter of industrial property fails to satisfy the protection conditions at the time the
Termination of validity of protection of trademark
Its owner fails to pay the validity maintenance or prolongation fee as prescribed[...]
Principle of priority
An applicant for registration of a trade mark may claim priority on the basis of the first application for registration of protection of the same subject matter if the following conditions are fully satisfied[...]
Registering trade mark and Time to protect a trademark
Almost of trade marks have to register to be protected, it is not natural protection. However, Well known trade mark need not register to protect, it shall be natural protection if it is suitable for all of its conditon[...]
Types of trademark
There are 4 types of trade marks: collective trade mark, Certification trade mark, Integrated trade marks, Well known trade mark[...]
Registering for trademark
Every organizations, individual doing business, or any entity has right to apply for registering trade mark for their own goods and service.