Vietnam Industrial Design Protection


1.The fee for filling an industrial design application in Vietnam.

In order to file an industrial design application in Vietnam, the applicant has to pay the following fee:

1.1.Fee for filing an application for industrial design application (*)

– Additional charge for each additional variation from 2nd one

1.2. Claiming priority right (for each earlier priority)

1.3. Publication of industrial design application (*)

– Additional charge for each figure from 2nd one

1.4. Substantive examination (for each variation, inclusive of information search)

1.5. Granting patents for industrial design(including Register and Publication) (*)

– Additional charge for each figure from 2nd one

2. The required document for filling industrial design in Vietnam

 –      Original Power of Attorney (POA);

–       Description;

–       Six (06) sets of photographs/drawings in the same ratio comprising front, back, top, bottom, left, right and perspective views. Dimension of representation should not be larger than 210mm x 297 mm (A4 size) and not be smaller than 90mm x 120mm.

–        Priority document (if any)

Note: For Vietnamese applications, the POA is simply signed by the Applicant only. A scanned/faxed copy of the POA is acceptable upon filling, the original copy is submitted within 01 month from the filing date