Legal service for industrial design registration procedure in Vietnam

Legal service for industrial design registration procedure in Vietnam

SBLAW provides client with legal service for industrial design registration procedure in Vietnam as follows:


  • Providing advices on  the industrial design registration procedure in Vietnam before officially filing Industrial design application in Vietnam
  • Preparing all the necessary forms and documents for Industrial design registration in Vietnam for the CLIENT’s execution;
  • Monitoring and following up the application until the registration process is completed and report to the CLIENT on the application status on periodical status (in correspondence with each statutory examination stage in Vietnam)
  • Reporting, advising, and dealing with any office action from the Registry (if any)
  • Receiving the Patent for Industrial design in Vietnam and hand over to CLIENT (if any);
  • Advising on the use of the Industrial design after protection;
  • Sending reminder to the Client on any statutory deadline in connection with the Patent for Industrial design.


The duration for an industrial design application from mature to proceed to registration is around 12 – 16 months from the filing date. An industrial design application in Vietnam shall be passed through the following stages:


Time Frame

Content of examination

Formality examination

1-2 months from the filing date (if all required document are submitted) or from the date of supplementation of all documents. Examination of formality of the industrial design application

Publication of industrial design  application


02 months counted from the date of acceptance of application


Publishing application in IP Gazette

Substantive examination


9-10 months from the publication date of required date


Examination of criteria of protection of the industrial design application.

–       Name and address of the Applicant, Inventor.
–       An original Power of Attorney which is simply signed by the Applicant (our attached form)