Guideline for Industrial Design in Vietnam


SBLaw would like to provide the guideline for industrial design in Vietnam as follows:

Criteria for protection: Novelty and Pattern for industrial or handicraft manufacture

I. Approximate time to obtain Design Patent: 12 months

II. Renewal:

Maximum renewals: 2 times

Renewal should be paid within 6 months prior to the expiry date (a grace period of 6 months expiry date is available providing that the Design Owner must pay late renewal fee)

III.Term of Validity: 5 years (each term) and 15 year (maximum, 2 times of renewal)

IV. Required documents:

  1. Description;
  2. Six (06) sets of photographs/drawings in the same ratio comprising front, back, top, bottom, left, right and perspective views. Dimension of representation should not be larger than 210mm x 297 mm (A4 size) and not be smaller than 90mm x 120mm.
  3. Power of Attorney for SBLaw
  4. Deed of Assignment of Right to file application (if any)
  5. Priority document (if any)