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Applications for registration of copyright or related rights

1. Authors, copyright holders or related right holders may directly file or authorize other organizations or individuals to file applications for registration of copyright or related rights

2. An application for registration of copyright or related rights comprises:

a/ A written declaration for registration of copyright or related rights.

A written declaration must be made in Vietnamese and signed by the author, copyright holder, related rights holder or person authorized to file the application, fully stating the information on the applicant, author, copyright holder or related rights holder; summarized content of the work, performance, phonogram, video recording or broadcast; the name of the author, the title of the work used to make derivative work in cases where the to be-registered work is a derivative work; the date, place and form of publication; the guaranteed responsibility for information stated in the application.

The Culture and Information Ministry shall set the  form of written declarations for copyright or related right registration;

b/ Two copies of the work subject to application for copyright registration, or two copies of the fixed

object subject to the related right registration;

c/ A letter of authorization where the applicant is the authorized person;

d/ Documents proving the right to file application where the applicant acquires such right due to inheritance, succession from or assignment by another person;

e/ Written consent of co-authors, for works under joint authorship;

f/ Written consent of co-owners if the copyright or related rights are under joint-ownership.

3. The documents specified at Point c, d, e and  f, section 2  must be made in Vietnamese. Documents in foreign languages must be translated into Vietnamese.

Obligations of requester apply the measures to control intellectual property-related imports, exports

1. Requester apply the measure to control intellectual property-related imports, exports shall have the following obligations:

a/ To prove that they are intellectual property  right holders by producing documents and evidence specified Intellectual property  Law;

b/ To supply information sufficient to identify goods suspected of infringing upon intellectual property rights or to detect goods showing signs of intellectual property rights infringement;

c/ To file written requests to customs offices and pay fees and charges prescribed by law;

d/ To pay damages and other expenses incurred to persons subject to control measures in cases where the controlled goods are found having not infringed upon industrial property rights.

2. To secure the performance of the obligations specified at Point d above, a requester  the application of the measure of suspension of customs procedures shall have to deposit a security in one of the following forms

a/ A sum of money equal to 20% of the value of the goods lot subject to the application of the  measure of suspension of customs procedures, or at least VND 20 million where it is impossible to value such goods lot;

b/ A guarantee deed issued by a bank or another credit institution.

Procedures to apply the measure of suspension of customs procedures

1. When persons requesting the suspension of customs procedures have fulfilled their obligations specified according to the Intellctual property Law, customs offices shall issue decisions on suspension of customs procedures with regard to goods lots in question.

2. The duration of suspension of customs procedures shall be 10 working days from the date of issuance of the suspension decision. Where the customs procedure suspension requester has justifiable reasons, this duration may be prolonged but must not exceed 20 working days, provided that the requester deposits the security

3. Upon the expiration of the duration specified in Clause 2 of this Article, if persons requesting the suspension of customs procedures do not initiate civil lawsuits and customs offices do not decide to accept the cases for handling of administrative violations of the goods lot exporters or importers according to administrative procedures, customs offices shall have the following responsibilities:

a/ To continue carrying out customs procedures for such goods lots;

b/ To compel persons requesting the suspension of customs procedures to compensate all the damage caused to the goods lot owners due to unreasonable requests for the suspension of customs procedures, and to pay expenses for warehousing and preservation of goods as well as other expenses incurred by customs offices and other related agencies, organizations and individuals according to the provisions of law on customs;

c/ To refund to persons requesting the suspension of customs procedures the remaining security amount after the obligation of paying compensations and expenses specified at Point b of this Clause is fulfilled.

Measures to control intellectual property-related imports, exports

1. Measures to control intellectual property-related imports and exports include:

a/ Suspension of customs procedures for goods suspected of infringing upon intellectual property rights;

b/ Inspection and supervision to detect goods  showing signs of intellectual property right infringement.

2. Suspension of customs procedures for goods suspected of infringing upon intellectual property rights means a measure taken at the request of intellectual property right holders in order to collect information and evidence on goods lots in question so that the intellectual property right holders can exercise the right to request the handling of infringing acts and request the application of provisional urgent measures or preventive measures to secure the administrative sanctioning.

3. Inspection and supervision to detect goods showing signs of infringement of intellectual property rights means a measure taken at the request of  intellectual property right holders in order to collect information so that they can exercise the right to request the suspension of customs procedures.

4. In the course of application of the measures specified above, if any intellectual property counterfeit goods are detected  , customs offices shall have the right and responsibility to  apply administrative remedies to handle them according to the provisions of Article 214 and Article 215 of this Law.

Preventive measures to secure the administrative sanctioning

1. In the following cases, organizations and individuals shall have the right to request competent agencies to apply preventive measures to secure the administrative sanctioning:

a/ Acts of infringing upon intellectual property rights are likely to cause serious damage to consumers or society;

b/ Infringement material evidence is likely to be dispersed or infringing individuals or organizations show signs of shirking their liabilities;

c/ To secure the enforcement of decisions on sanctioning of administrative violations.

2. Preventive measures to secure the administrative sanctioning applied according to administrative procedures to acts of infringing upon intellectual property rights include:

a/ Temporary custody of persons;

b/ Temporary custody of infringing goods, material evidence and means;

c/ Body search;

d/ Search of means of transport and objects; search of places where infringing goods, material evidence and means are hidden;

e/ Other administrative preventive measures according to the provisions of law on handling of administrative violations.

Intellectual property counterfeit goods

Intellectual property counterfeit goods referred  to in this Law include goods bearing counterfeit marks and goods bearing counterfeit geographical indications (hereinafter referred to as counterfeit mark goods) and pirated goods .

– Counterfeit mark goods are goods or their packages bearing marks or signs which are identical with or indistinguishable from marks or geographical indications currently protected for those very goods without permission of mark owners or organizations managing such geographical indications.

– Pirated goods are copies made without the permission of copyright holders or related right holders.

Adminitrative penalty of infrigement of intellectual property right

-The following acts of infringing upon industrial property rights shall be administratively sanctioned:

*  Committing an act of infringing upon intellectual property rights which causes damage to consumers or society;

* Failing to terminate an act of infringing upon  intellectual property rights though the intellectual property right holder has issued a written notice requesting the termination of such act;

* Producing, importing, transporting or trading in intellectual property counterfeit goods or assigning others to do so;

* Producing, importing, transporting or trading in articles bearing a mark or a geographical indication that is identical or confusingly similar to a protected mark or geographical indication or assigning others to do so.

– The Government shall specify acts of infringing upon intellectual property rights which shall be administratively sanctioned, sanctioning forms and levels, and procedures for sanctioning such acts.

– Organizations and individuals that commit acts of unfair competition in intellectual property shall be sanctioned for administrative violations according to the provisions of competition law.

Cancellation of the application of provisional urgent measures

– The court shall issue decisions on cancellation of provisional urgent measures already applied in the cases specified  and in cases where the provisional urgent measure debtor can prove that the application of provisional urgent measures is not well grounded .

– In case of cancellation of a provisional urgent measure, the court shall consider the refund to the person requesting the application of such provisional urgent measure of the security defined:

* A sum of money equal to 20% of the value of  the goods subject to the application of provisional urgent measures, or at least VND 20 million where it is impossible to value such goods;

*  A guarantee deed issued by a bank or another credit institution.

Where a request for the application of a provisional urgent measure is not well grounded, thus causing damage to the provisional urgent measure debtor, the court shall compel the requester to pay compensation for the damage.

Provisional urgent measures

– The following provisional urgent measures shall be applied to goods suspected of infringing upon intellectual property rights or to raw materials, materials or means of production or trading of such goods:

* Seizure;

* Distraint;

* Sealing; ban from alteration of original state; ban from movement;

* Ban from ownership transfer.

– Other provisional urgent measures shall be applied according to the provisions of the Civil

Procedure Code.

– Right to request the court to apply provisional urgent measures

Upon or after the initiation of a lawsuit, an intellectual property right holder shall have the right to request the court to apply provisional measures in the following cases:

* There exists a danger of irreparable damage to such intellectual property right holder;

*  Goods suspected of infringing upon intellectual property rights or evidence related to the act of infringing upon industrial property rights are likely to be dispersed or destroyed unless they are protected in time.

The court shall decide to apply provisional urgent measures at the request of the industrial property right holder defined above before listening to the party subject to such measures.

Bases for determination of compensations for damage caused by infringements of intellectual property rights

– Where the plaintiff can prove that an act of infringing upon intellectual property rights has caused material damage to him/her, he/she shall have the right to request the court to decide on the compensation level on one of the following bases:

*  Total material damage calculated in an amount of money plus profit gained by the defendant as a result of an act of infringing upon intellectual property rights where the reduced profit amount of the plaintiff has not yet been calculated into such total material damage;

* The price of the licensing of an intellectual property object with the presumption that the defendant has been licensed by the plaintiff to use that object under a license contract within a scope corresponding to the committed infringing act;

* Where it is impossible to determine the level of compensation for material damage on the bases specified at Points a and b of this Clause, such compensation level shall be set by the court, depending on the damage extent, but must not exceed VND 500 million.

– Where the plaintiff can prove that an act of infringing upon intellectual property rights has caused spiritual damage to him/her, he/she shall have  the right to request the court to decide on the compensation level ranging from VND 5 million  to VND 50 million, depending on the damage extent.

– In addition to the damage compensation defined in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article, industrial property right holders shall also have the right to request the court to compel organizations or individuals that have committed acts of infringing upon industrial property rights to pay reasonable costs of hiring attorneys.

Determination of damage caused by infringements of intellectual property rights

Damage caused by acts of infringing upon industrial property rights include:

* Material damage, including property losses,  decreases in income and profit, loss of business opportunities, reasonable expenses for prevention and remedying of such damage;

* Spiritual damage, including damage to honor, dignity, prestige, reputation and other spiritual losses

caused to authors of literary, artistic and scientific works; to performers; to authors of inventions,

industrial designs, layout-designs; and breeders of plant varieties.

– The extent of damage shall  be determined on the basis of actual losses suffered by intellectual

property right holders due to acts of infringing upon intellectual property rights.


Measures for handling infingements of Intellectual property rights

There are 4 measures for handling infingements of Intellectual property rights:

– Civil remedies

* Compelling the termination of infringing acts;

*  Compelling the public apology and rectification;

*  Compelling the performance of civil obligations;

*  Compelling the payment of damages;

* Compelling destruction, distribution or use for non-commercial purposes of goods, raw materials,

materials and means used largely for the production or trading of intellectual property right-infringing

goods, provided that such destruction, distribution or use does not affect the exploitation of rights by

intellectual property right holders.

– Adminitrative action

*  Principal sanctions:

> Cautions

>  Monetary fine

* Additional sanctions:

> Confiscation of intellectual property counterfeit goods, raw materials, materials and means used

mainly for production or trading of such intellectual property counterfeit goods;

>  Suspension of business activities in domains  where infringements have been committed for a

definite time.

* Consequence remedies:

> Compelled destruction or distribution or use for non-commercial purposes of intellectual property counterfeit goods as well as raw materials, materials and means used mainly for production or trading of such intellectual property counterfeit goods, provided that such destruction, distribution or use does not affect the exploitation of rights by intellectual property right holders;

>  Compelled transportation out of the Vietnamese territory of transit goods infringing upon intellectual property rights or compelled re-export of intellectual property counterfeit goods, as well as imported means, raw materials and materials used mainly for production or trading of such intellectual property counterfeit goods, after infringing elements are removed from such goods.

– Criminal measure

– Border control

> Suspension of customs procedures for goods suspected of infringing upon intellectual property rights;

>  Inspection and supervision to detect goods  showing signs of intellectual property right infringement.

The owners of copyright

– Copyright holders mean organizations and individuals that hold one, several or all the economic rights

– Copyright holders being authors

Authors who use their own time, finance and material-technical foundations to create works shall have the moral rights and the economic rights

– Copyright holders being co-authors

Co-authors who use their time, finance and material-technical foundations to jointly create works shall share the moral rights  and the economic rights

A co-author who has jointly created a work, a separate part of which can be detached for independent use without any prejudice to parts of other co-authors, shall have the moral rights  and the economic rights to such separate part

– Copyright holders being organizations and individuals that have assigned tasks to authors or entered into contracts with authors

Organizations which have assigned tasks of creating works to authors who belong to them shall be holders of the rights rights specified in Article 20 and Clause 3, Article 19 of Intellctual property Law, unless otherwise agreed.

Organizations and individuals that have entered into contracts with authors for creation of works shall be holders of the rights specified in Article 20 and Clause 3, Article 19 of Intellctual property Law, unless otherwise agreed.

– Copyright holders being heirs

Organizations and individuals that inherit the  copyright according to the provisions of law on inheritance shall be holders of the rights specified in Article 20 and Clause 3, Article 19 of Intellctual property Law

– Copyright holders being right assignees

Organizations and individuals that are assigned one, several or all of the rights specified in Article 20 and Clause 3, Article 19 of  Intellctual property Law under contracts shall be copyright holders.

– Copyright holders being the State

* The State shall be the holder of copyright to the following works:

Anonymous works;

> Works, of which terms of protection have not expired but their copyright holders die in default of  heirs, heirs renounce succession or are deprived of the right to succession.

> Works, over which the ownership right has been assigned by their copyright holders to the State.

*The Government shall specify the use of works under the State ownership



Term of related right protection

– The rights of performers shall be protected for fifty years counting from the year following the year of fixation of their performances.

– The rights of producers of phonograms or video recordings shall be protected for fifty years counting from year following the year of publication, or fifty years counting from the year following the year of fixation of unpublished phonograms or video recordings.

– The rights of broadcasting organizations shall be protected for fifty years counting from the year following the year of the making of their broadcasts.

– The term of protection specified above  shall expire at 24:00 hrs of December 31 of the year of expiration of related right protection term.

Copyright to protected works

1. Copyright to cinematographic works and dramatic works

a) Persons who act as directors; screenwriters; cameramen; montage-makers; music composers; art designers; studio sound, lighting and art designers; studio instrument and technical-effect designers, and persons engaged in other creative jobs in the making of cinematographic works, shall enjoy the moral rights except to publish their works or authorize other persons to publish their works;

– Persons who act as directors, playwrights, choreographers, music composers, art designers, stage sound, lighting and art designers, stage instrument and technical-effect designers, and persons engaged in other creative jobs in the making of dramatic works, shall enjoy the moral rights except to publish their works or authorize other persons to publish their works;

-b) Organizations and individuals that invest their finance and material-technical facilities in the production of cinematographic works and dramatic works shall be holders of the rights to publish their works or authorize other persons to publish their works;

c) Organizations and individuals defined in Clause  b)  are obliged to pay royalties, remunerations and other material benefits as agreed upon with the persons defined in Clause a)

2. Copyright to computer programs and compilations of data

– A computer program means a set of instructions which is expressed in form of commands, codes, diagrams or any other form and, when incorporated in a device readable to computers, capable of enabling such computers to perform a job or achieve a designated result.

Computer programs shall be protected like literary works, irrespective of whether they are expressed in form of source codes or machine codes.

– A compilation of data means a set of data selected or arranged in a creative manner and expressed in electronic form or other forms. The protection of copyright to compilations of data does not cover, and is not prejudicial to copyright to those very data.

3. Copyright to folklore or folk art works of folklore

– Folklore or folk art works mean collective  creations based on traditions of a community or individuals reflecting such community’s earnest expectations, of which the expression is appropriate to its cultural and social characteristics, and its standards and values, which have been handed down by imitation or other modes. Folklore and folk art works include:

* Folk tales, lyrics and riddles;

* Folk songs and melodies;

*  Folk dances, plays, rites and games;

*  Folk art products, including graphics, paintings, sculptures, musical instruments, architectural models, and products of other folk arts expressed in whatever material form.

–  Organizations and individuals using folklore and  folk art works of folklore must refer to their sources and preserve their true values

4. Copyright to literary, artistic and scientific works

The protection of copyright to literary, artistic  and scientific works provided for in Clause 1, Article 14 of Intellectual property shall be specified by the Government.