Home IP enforcement in Vietnam

IP enforcement in Vietnam

Selected recent SBLAW Credential in the field of copyright enforcement

SBLAW would like to provide some information about selected reccent credential in the field of copyright enforcement as follows:

Measures against infringement products in Vietnam

After launching products in to the Vietnam market, your company may face with infringement by other company, which are local companies or even companies from other Asian countries[...]

Obligations of requester apply the measures to control intellectual property-related imports, exports

1. Requester apply the measure to control intellectual property-related imports, exports shall have the following obligations:

Adminitrative penalty of infrigement of intellectual property right

The following acts of infringing upon industrial property rights shall be administratively sanctioned:

Bases for determination of compensations for damage caused by infringements of intellectual property rights

Where the plaintiff can prove that an act of infringing upon intellectual property rights has caused material damage to him/her, he/she shall have the right to request the court to decide on the compensation level on one of the following bases[...]