Music Copyright registration in Vietnam

Music Copyright registration in Vietnam
Music Copyright registration in Vietnam

Question: We are foreign company and would like to register Music Copyright registration in Vietnam, please provide us the quoation?

Answer:  Thanks for your conservation concerning the subject matter.

Regarding your enquiries, we would like to advise you on procedure and our updated fee schedule in relation to the copyright registration proceeding in Vietnam as follows:

1.Copyright information

Types of works: Music works

2. Fee schedule

Description Fee (VND)
Fee for filling 01 copyright application


5%VAT: 250.000

In words 


Five million two hundred and fifty thousand Dongs

Noted: The above fees are inclusive of 5%VAT, not include communication costs and bank charges.

3.Procedure and timeline

The duration of copyright application is around 20 -30 working days.

4.Required documents and information 

  • 02 Notarized copies of Certificate of Business Registration of the Owner;
  • 02 copies of the author’s ID or passport;
  • 02 copy version of music works;

SBLAW provides

  • 02 Power of Attorney (POA) (SBLAW’s form);
  • 02 Declarations of the author and the owner (If the author is the owner);
  • 02 assigned decision (If the staff of the company/the owner is assigned tasks  to  indite/write a work);
  • 02 contracts of lease of writing/inditing a software (If the owner hired a third party to indite/write a software program);
  • 02 Commitments of the author(s) of work;

We hope the above is of your assistance. Should you have any inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact us.