Home Trademark in vietnam

Trademark in vietnam

Acts of infringing upon the rights to trademark

The following acts if being performed without the permission of mark owners, shall be regarded as infringements of the rights to marks:

Registering Vietnam trademark

    The official fee for registering Vietnam trademark It is different from the other countries as China, Thailand, in Vietnam, multi-class application is applicable. The basic fees are calculated based on the number of class of goods/services (G/S) in each application as well as the number of products designated in each...

Quotation for recordal of trademark assignment in Vietnam

Question: Our company wish to file for a trademark assignment in Vietnam. In this regards, kindly let us have you all inclusive fees for the same (registered/pending marks). When reverting, please also advise the requirements and provide us with the necessary form. Answer: Concerning your enquiries, we would like to advise...

Notification of refusal trademark registration in Vietnam

If the applicant to whom the National Office Intellectual Property (NOIP) has sent a notice on its intended refusal of the application fails to correct errors or unsatisfactorily corrects errors or makes no opposition or makes unreasonable opposition to the intended rejection within the set time limit,[...]

Renewal of Trademark in Vietnam

A trademark registration is valid for a period of ten years commencing from the filing date of the application and can be renewed for subsequent ten-year term, ad infinitum[...]

Vietnam Trademark Opposition Proceeding

Under the current IP Law of Vietnam, opposition is not considered as a seperate proceeding, it is only considered as a reference in the examination proceeding of trademark applications[...]

Trademark international applications

“Madrid applications” are referred to the applications for international registration of marks filed under the Madrid Agreement or the Madrid Protocol, including[...]

Filing the application of trademark in Vietnam

In order to obtain the trademark registration in Viet Nam, you must file the application for granting a Trademark. The application for a trademark registration must be filed directly or by mail, to the National Office of Intellectual Property of Viet Nam (NOIP) or its brand offices in Ho Chi Minh City or Da Nang.

Registration applications on trademark in Vietnam

1. Documents, samples, information identifying a mark registered for protection in a mark registration application include:
Madrid agreement and protocol concerning the international registration of marks

Madrid agreement and protocol concerning the international registration of marks

MM18(E)   MADRID AGREEMENT AND PROTOCOL CONCERNING THE INTERNATIONAL REGISTRATION OF MARKS declaration of intention to use the mark – United States of America (to be annexed to each international application or subsequent designation in which the United States of America is a designated Contracting Party) IMPORTANT   This form contains the exact wording of the declaration...

What is trademark?

The trademark owner can be an organization or individual or any legal entity. A trademark is an intellectual property, it usually includes a word, a name, phrase, logo, sign, design, image or a combination of these factor. Therefore, a trademark may be located on a package, a label, a...
registering trademark for foreign company in Vietnam

Trademark Vietnam

(1) Filing the application The application for a mark registration must be filed directly or by mail, to the National Office of Intellectual Property of Viet Nam (NOIP) or its brand offices in Ho Chi Minh City or Da Nang. Organizations, individuals of Viet Nam, foreign individuals permanently residing in Viet...

Trademark usage in Vietnam

After registering the mark, the applicant should be noted as below circumstances[...]

Register a new trademark in Vietnam

Question: We want to proceed to register a new trademark in Vietnam. We want to know how much is the cost to file an application of trademark in Vietnam (Official fees, attorney fees …all cost included) Please could you send us the required information, so we can inform our client, and after we will...
Search and protect his trademark in Vietnam

Recordal of the assignment of trade mark

Question: Please advise the documentation required to attend to the recordal of the assignment of the marks into the new owner’s name?