The owners of copyright


– Copyright holders mean organizations and individuals that hold one, several or all the economic rights

– Copyright holders being authors

Authors who use their own time, finance and material-technical foundations to create works shall have the moral rights and the economic rights

– Copyright holders being co-authors

Co-authors who use their time, finance and material-technical foundations to jointly create works shall share the moral rights  and the economic rights

A co-author who has jointly created a work, a separate part of which can be detached for independent use without any prejudice to parts of other co-authors, shall have the moral rights  and the economic rights to such separate part

– Copyright holders being organizations and individuals that have assigned tasks to authors or entered into contracts with authors

Organizations which have assigned tasks of creating works to authors who belong to them shall be holders of the rights rights specified in Article 20 and Clause 3, Article 19 of Intellctual property Law, unless otherwise agreed.

Organizations and individuals that have entered into contracts with authors for creation of works shall be holders of the rights specified in Article 20 and Clause 3, Article 19 of Intellctual property Law, unless otherwise agreed.

– Copyright holders being heirs

Organizations and individuals that inherit the  copyright according to the provisions of law on inheritance shall be holders of the rights specified in Article 20 and Clause 3, Article 19 of Intellctual property Law

– Copyright holders being right assignees

Organizations and individuals that are assigned one, several or all of the rights specified in Article 20 and Clause 3, Article 19 of  Intellctual property Law under contracts shall be copyright holders.

– Copyright holders being the State

* The State shall be the holder of copyright to the following works:

Anonymous works;

> Works, of which terms of protection have not expired but their copyright holders die in default of  heirs, heirs renounce succession or are deprived of the right to succession.

> Works, over which the ownership right has been assigned by their copyright holders to the State.

*The Government shall specify the use of works under the State ownership