Conducts constituted infringement of related right


 – Appropriating the rights of a performer, producer of audio and visual fixation, or of a broadcasting organization

– Impersonating a performer, producer of audio and visual fixation, or a broadcasting organization.

– Publishing, producing and distributing a formulated performance, audio and visual fixation or a broadcast without permission from the performer, producer of the audio and visual fixation or from the broadcasting organization

– Modifying, editing or distorting a performance in any way which prejudices the honour and reputation of the performer

– Copying or reciting from a formulated performance, audio and visual fixation or a broadcast without permission from the performer, producer of the audio and visual fixation or from the broadcasting organization

– Deliberately deleting or modifying electronic information regarding management of rights without permission from the related right holder

– Deliberately destroying or de-activating the technical solutions applied by the related right holder to protect his or her rights.

– Publishing, distributing or importing for public distribution performances, copies of a fixed performance or audio and visual fixation knowing, or having grounds to know, that electronic information regarding management of rights has been deleted or modified without permission from the related right holder.

– Manufacturing, assembling, transforming, distributing, importing, exporting, selling or leasing out equipment knowing, or having grounds to know, that such equipment helps to illegally decode satellite signals carrying coded programmes

– Deliberately receiving or relaying satellite signals carrying coded programmes without permission from the legal distributor