Protection and anti-piracy of copyright in Vietnam


SBLAW would like to provide you some information about protection and anti-piracy of copyright in Vietnam as follows:

Copyright infringement in Vietnam is now increasing sharply. An author or owner of a copyright work has the right to claim for protection if any of the following acts is conducted with respect to that work without his/her content:

  1. Publicizing or disseminating a work; performing a theatrical work broadcasting a film or video tape ; making audio or visual recordings or a live broadcast from the place of performance;
  2. Adding, reducing or amending the contents of the work;
  3. Imitating plastic art works for sale or for personal use;
  4. Copying the contents of another person’s work to put into one’s own work;
  5. Duplicating, setting or assembling radio and/or television programs, audio tapes  and disks, music tapes and disks , film and computer software for the commercial purposes;
  6. Translating , re-creating, transforming or adapting works,

According to the Vietnam Civil Code and IP Law, in case his/her  copyrights are infringed, the author or owner of the work shall be entitled to request inspectors of the Ministry of Information and Communication to compel the infringer to cease the infringement, to apologize publicly, to issue a public rectification, and/or to compensate for damage.

According to Vietnam IP Law, copyright disputes and infringement shall be handled under administrative, civil or criminal procedures.