Home Trademark in vietnam

Trademark in vietnam

Registration of the trademarks in Vietnam

Registration of the trademarks in Vietnam

If client would like to make the registration of the trademark in Vietnam, SBLaw would like to advise as follows: 1. Attorney fee for trademark registration. In Vietnam, multi-classes application is applicable. [...]
trademark in vietnam

Vietnam– Recordal of Trademark License Agreement

SBLAW would like to advise you on procedure for recordal of trademark license agreement and the related matters as follows:

(Q&A) Request for one TM renewal in Vietnam

Q: Our company wants to renew one registered trademark in one class in Vietnam. So, please send to me your best offer along with the required documents? A: It is our great to hear from you. Much appreciated. Regarding your enquiries concerning the subject matter, we would like to advise you...

Renewal of Trademark in Vietnam

A trademark registration is valid for a period of ten years commencing from the filing date of the application and can be renewed for subsequent ten-year term, ad infinitum[...]
Vietnam Trademark

Vietnam Trademark

1.The official fee for registering Vietnam trademark It is different from the other countries as China, Thailand, in Vietnam, multi-class application is applicable[...]

Vietnam – Quotation for a new trademark

SBLAW would like to advise client on the procedure and our fee schedule in relation to the trademark registration proceeding in Vietnam as follows: 1. FEE SCHEDULE In Vietnam, multi-class application is applicable. The basic fees are calculated based on the number of class of goods/services (G/S) in each application as well as...

What are natural signs not protected as trademarks?

According to Intellectual property law, there are some signs shall be ineligible for protection as marks:

Quotation for Renewal of Trademark registration in Laos

Question: Our company intends to renew its trademark registration in Laos. Would you please let us know the document(s) needed for such formality? Answer: Regarding your requirement, we would like to advise you on the procedure and fee schedule in relation to the renewal proceeding in Laos as follows: Information of Trademark Registration Trademark Reg. No Expiry...

What is the purpose of registering the company name?

Questions: What is the purpose of registering the company name? Please advise how long it takes to receive trademark registration?
Trademark Search in Vietnam

Trademark Search in Vietnam

A trademark search prior to filing a trademark application is not compulsory, however it is highly recommended by us to save time and costs since the duration for trademark registration in Vietnam is rather long, in around one year. [...]

Form of declaration of ownership of trademark in Myanmar

DECLARATION OF OWNERSHIP OF TRADEMARK I.  _______, Authorised person of __________ a Company incorporated in the ________ and having its executive office at _______  (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:- 1. That the Company is the Owner and Sole Proprietor of the Trademark viz: Instert...

What is trademark?

The trademark owner can be an organization or individual or any legal entity. A trademark is an intellectual property, it usually includes a word, a name, phrase, logo, sign, design, image or a combination of these factor. Therefore, a trademark may be located on a package, a label, a...

Search and Protect Trademark in Vietnam

In case client would like to search and protect his trademark in Vietnam, client should provide SBLaw the following documents[...]
trademark in vietnam

Trademarks registration information

Question: We are a USA company specialized in wine exportation. We would like to register a Trademark in Vietnam in order to extend our company to this market. We plan to register a logo, relating to the selling of bottles of wine. We would like to know approximately the detailed...
registering trademark for foreign company in Vietnam

(Q&A) Service request – registering trademark for foreign company in Vietnam

Q: Could you please make a quote on your service for registering new trademarks for French company. Also, please specify the processing time of doing so. We are considering 4 to 6 new trademarks, Looking to hearing from you soon A: Thank you very much for your email today regarding the...